Primitive library

The examples need the following primitives library. Save it as "library.lambda" and make sure it gets loaded before the actual program that requires them, for example:

cat library.lambda program.lambda | node lambda.js

All primitives receive the continuation k as first argument. Note that in some of them we need to use Execute to invoke the callback. That's because those call async API-s, and our Execute loop will terminate before the result comes in. You must keep this in mind when writing primitives — if you're not calling the continuation immediately, use Execute.

## primitives

## these assignments are required so that we create globals.

readFile = false;
readDir = false;
writeFile = false;
makeDir = false;
symlink = false;
readlink = false;
fstat = false;
lstat = false;
isFile = false;
isDirectory = false;
isSymlink = false;
pathJoin = false;
pathBasename = false;
pathDirname = false;
forEach = false;
length = false;
arrayRef = false;
arraySet = false;
stringStartsWith = false;
parallel = false;
cons = false;
isCons = false;
car = false;
cdr = false;
NIL = false;
setCar = false;
setCdr = false;
RESET = false;
SHIFT = false;

js:raw "(function(){

  // filesystem

  var fs = require('fs');
  var path = require('path');

  readFile = function(k, filename) {
    fs.readFile(filename, function(err, data){
      if (err) throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ data ]);

  readDir = function(k, dirname) {
    fs.readdir(dirname, function(err, files){
      if (err) throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ files ]);

  writeFile = function(k, filename, data) {
    fs.writeFile(filename, data, function(err){
      if (err) throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ false ]);

  makeDir = function(k, dirname) {
    fs.mkdir(dirname, function(err){
      if (err) throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ false ]);

  symlink = function(k, src, dest) {
    fs.symlink(src, dest, function(err){
      if (err) throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ false ]);

  readlink = function(k, path) {
    fs.readlink(path, function(err, target){
      if (err) throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ target ]);

  fstat = function(k, pathname) {
    fs.stat(pathname, function(err, stat){
      if (err && err.code != 'ENOENT') throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ err ? false : stat ]);

  lstat = function(k, pathname) {
    fs.lstat(pathname, function(err, stat){
      if (err && err.code != 'ENOENT') throw new Error(err);
      Execute(k, [ err ? false : stat ]);

  isFile = function(k, stat) {

  isDirectory = function(k, stat) {

  isSymlink = function(k, stat) {

  pathJoin = function(k) {
    k(path.join.apply(path, [], 1)));

  pathBasename = function(k, x) {

  pathDirname = function(k, x) {

  // lists

  function Cons(car, cdr) { = car;
    this.cdr = cdr;

  isCons = function(k, thing) {
    k(thing instanceof Cons);

  cons = function(k, car, cdr) {
    k(new Cons(car, cdr));

  car = function(k, cell) {

  cdr = function(k, cell) {

  setCar = function(k, cell, car) {
    k( = car);

  setCdr = function(k, cell, cdr) {
    k(cell.cdr = cdr);

  NIL = {}; = NIL;
  NIL.cdr = NIL;

  // arrays

  length = function(k, thing) {

  arrayRef = function(k, array, index) {

  arraySet = function(k, array, index, value) {
    k(array[index] = value);

  // strings

  stringStartsWith = function(k, str, prefix) {
    k(str.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix);

  parallel = function(k, f){
    var n = 0, result = [], i = 0;
    f(function(){ if (i == 0) k(false) }, pcall);
    function pcall(kpcall, chunk){
      var index = i++;
        result[index] = rchunk;
        if (n == 0) Execute(k, [ result ]);

  // delimited continuations

  var pstack = [];

  function _goto(f) {
    f(function KGOTO(r){
      var h = pstack.pop();

  RESET = function(KRESET, th){

  SHIFT = function(KSHIFT, f){
      f(KGOTO, function SK(k1, v){


forEach = λ(array, f)
  let (n = length(array))
    let loop (i = 0)
      if (i < n) {
        f(arrayRef(array, i), i);
        loop(i + 1);