Description of the AST

As mentioned, the parser will build a structure which faithfully represents the semantics of the program. An AST node is a plain JavaScript object that has a type property specifying what kind of node it is, and additional information, depending on the particular type.

In short:


Numbers ("num")

{ type: "num", value: 123.5 }

Strings ("str")

"Hello World!"
{ type: "str", value: "Hello World!" }

Booleans ("bool")

{ type: "bool", value: true }
{ type: "bool", value: false }

Identifiers ("var")

{ type: "var", value: "foo" }

Functions ("lambda")

lambda (x) 10   # or
λ (x) 10

Later we will add an optional "name" property, to support named functions, but the first version of our parser won't have it.

  type: "lambda",
  vars: [ "x" ],
  body: { type: "num", value: 10 }

Function calls ("call")

foo(a, 1)
  "type": "call",
  "func": { "type": "var", "value": "foo" },
  "args": [
    { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
    { "type": "num", "value": 1 }

Conditionals ("if")

if foo then bar else baz
  "type": "if",
  "cond": { "type": "var", "value": "foo" },
  "then": { "type": "var", "value": "bar" },
  "else": { "type": "var", "value": "baz" }

The else branch is optional:

if foo then bar
  "type": "if",
  "cond": { "type": "var", "value": "foo" },
  "then": { "type": "var", "value": "bar" }

Assignment ("assign")

a = 10
  "type": "assign",
  "operator": "=",
  "left": { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
  "right": { "type": "num", "value": 10 }

Binary expressions ("binary")

x + y * z
  "type": "binary",
  "operator": "+",
  "left": { "type": "var", "value": "x" },
  "right": {
    "type": "binary",
    "operator": "*",
    "left": { "type": "var", "value": "y" },
    "right": { "type": "var", "value": "z" }

Sequences ("prog")

  a = 5;
  b = a * 2;
  a + b;
  "type": "prog",
  "prog": [
      "type": "assign",
      "operator": "=",
      "left": { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
      "right": { "type": "num", "value": 5 }
      "type": "assign",
      "operator": "=",
      "left": { "type": "var", "value": "b" },
      "right": {
        "type": "binary",
        "operator": "*",
        "left": { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
        "right": { "type": "num", "value": 2 }
      "type": "binary",
      "operator": "+",
      "left": { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
      "right": { "type": "var", "value": "b" }

Block scoped variables ("let")

let (a = 10, b = a * 10) {
  a + b;

The first version of the parser will not implement this node type, we will add it later.

  "type": "let",
  "vars": [
      "name": "a",
      "def": { "type": "num", "value": 10 }
      "name": "b",
      "def": {
        "type": "binary",
        "operator": "*",
        "left": { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
        "right": { "type": "num", "value": 10 }
  "body": {
    "type": "binary",
    "operator": "+",
    "left": { "type": "var", "value": "a" },
    "right": { "type": "var", "value": "b" }
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