
I'll probably get to this part eventually, if there's sufficient interest. For now you're gonna have to use the source, here's some quick description on where you find what.

Primitive functions

Primitive functions are defined in plain JavaScript, in js/primitives.js. There's a function there called defp — all primitives are defined through it. That function takes two arguments:

The arguments are on the machine's stack and can be fetched in reverse order by calling m.pop().

Currently all primitive functions are defined in the base package (%) and they're all exported, although many of them should be kept private. Those that I wasn't sure I'd like to export as they are have names that start with a funny character like “%”.


In js/types.js we have definitions and supporting functions for various basic types in the system.

List operations

In js/list.js we have defined most operations for linked lists. But from Lisp, of course, you'd access them via primitive functions.

The very basic Lisp system

The first Lisp file that is loaded by the system is lisp/compiler.lisp and it defines a bunch of basic functions and macros that are exported, as well as the reader and the compiler. Stuff defined here is exported in lisp/init.lisp, which also implements additional functionality like macros for the package system, destructuring-bind, etc.


The object system is implemented in lisp/tiny-clos.lisp and it's a straightforward port of TinyCLOS.

FORMAT and printer

There's a pretty comprehensive implementation, though by no means complete, of the format function in lisp/format.lisp. A generic method (based on TinyCLOS) for printing objects is defined in lisp/printer.lisp, but there's no pretty printing for that (any help on implementing that would be greatly appreciated!).

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